Saturday, May 22, 2010


Many people like to think that the balance of their behaviour weighs in their favour, but that might not be so. It could be an illusion caused by having constant touch with our inner excuses for our behaviour, while it is our outer behaviour which defines us in the end. Hopefully it isn't the - uh - rear end.

So far, the bitterest, most unpleasant characters I've known have all been in a constant state of denial as to their actions' impact on others. They seem to redeem it somehow in their head with the self image of a poor, helpless victim. That's what gives them their license to be ill tempered and to victimize whomever is in range.

Most people just call them assholes. They never smile for you, never say a kind word to you, and then they can't believe it when you don't like them. They insult you, take from you, then insult you again. They think they are perfect. They think they're cute. They think they're important. But it's crucial for a majority to be in agreement on the person, in order for the person to meet the full, rectal definition.

Sometimes I have fun with them. Take those aggressive types who can't complete a sentence. I've gotten away with adding made up words to their vocabulary without their knowledge. And the ones who tell grandiose stories about their exploits will often answer yes to any question that begins, 'Remember when you told me about --?' Hey, it takes one to know one. Must confess I've been an arch-asshole.

And how destructive a confrontation between any number of arch-assholes must be when we should be joining forces to make the world a better place. Dictators and generals. Tyrants. And pundits spinning the news for them. Spoiled celebrities. What a bunch of assholes. Standing behind brave men and driving them off a cliff. Someone's got to do it.

If it's a co-worker, he might be at home in his mind, stroking his kitten. The whole time I return the abuse, I'm at home in my mind, working peacefully on a song. The ultimate way to return this abuse, I've noticed, is to appear very happy and contented. That gets them good.

If I can call myself an arch-asshole, it can't be quite true that assholes don't know they are assholes. They know. They just think it's all right for them and no one else.

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