Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Anarchy in Dacre Lake

I hear so much about the importance of law and order but I seldom see any danger in my social environment. When I do, the cops aren't there. When you hear the word anarchy, you instantly think of chaos, but don't we do just fine most of the time out there on our own? Consider the world from the cops' point of view. Who's protecting them? Anarchy starts to look like a global doughnut shop, and the anarchist doesn't look like so much of a threat any more.

I want people to be more open minded about anarchism because it has gotten a bad reputation for offering such an enticing alternative to our current system of government. Something tells me everyone would have a bigger slice if we went from workers to owners, which is called profit sharing. Well, almost everyone. And yet this tiny group would sooner hold back all the rest of us so they can stay on top. I know because I'd do the same thing. In fact, I'd rule you VIS A FIST OF IRON! HAH HAHAHHA! Ahem! Pardon me.

Don't think I haven't fantasized about how great it would be to have all that power. Indeed, one of the lessons of Lord of the Rings, which may have been lost in its spectacular transition to the silver screen, is that power corrupts everyone, even the gentle hobbit. But a Dave-ocracy wouldn't be all bad. At least I have ideas: Ministry of Blowjobs and After-Dinner Mints, the Two-Minute-Sing (Everybody better feel like singing!), Noam Chomsky would have a nice children's program on every channel and would never die, and everyone would get free guitars and music lessons. Flag wouldn't have to change much. And school! Ha! Not the pushover it is now. A German Shepherd for teachers Grades 1 to 6; all manner of protection, from truncheons to flame throwers, for High School teachers. Then we don't have to worry about the little beggars when they get older. I would divert the economy to the construction of a nuclear hash bomb, with the diabolical aim of exploding it over Texas - except for Willie Nelson's house. Public nudity would still be outlawed but see-through clothing optional for the successful applicants. The base of my statue must be larger than the Post Office. And after I have laid waste to this land, I shall escape in a U-Boat to Tahiti and blame it all on the French!

The point I started with was that we needn't fear anarchy. In some ways it's already here. I think it must be a good system if it stops anyone from having too much power.

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